Friday, July 31, 2009

Rational Smörgåsbord

I have been watching clips of A Bit of Fry and Laurie lately. While the clips are quite hilarious and gripping in and of them self, what makes them even more interesting is seeing Hugh Laurie (of House's fame) speak in his British accent.

I stumbled across the following video containing a series of clips of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie (though mostly Stephen) talking about their views on religion and science -- part tongue in cheek, part serious. Have fun watching.


  1. Fry and Laurie are awesome. I discovered the show a few months ago while searching for clips for absolute power.

  2. Fry is one of those nice, intelligent atheists who are on the right track when they say 'literature and music' instead of 'science' as the source of meaning or value in life. However, they can come even closer to true spirituality if they wonder a bit more deeply about the possibility of literature and music. That's how it started with me, anyway.

  3. While I find it disconcerting to drive a permanent wedge between science and literature and music, I do appreciate the spirit in which you said what you said. Science, as most people take it and practice it, doesn't provide much in the way of meaning and value.

  4. Aah, I see what you mean. Well, I guess I just think science is a little dry :P

  5. working link ;)
